Board of Directors
Carol Dey
Executive Manager Human Resources & Equity Services, Waterloo Region District School Board, Ontario
Diana Welter
Board Member
Superintendent of Human Resources, Prairie Valley School Division, Saskatchewan
John-Paul Alexandrowicz
Board Member
Co-Chair, National School Boards Practice, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Justin Rempel
Executive Director Labour Relations (Collective Bargaining), BCPSEA, British Columbia
Michael Gray
Board Member
Executive Director, Employee Services Vancouver School Board, British Columbia
Sari Taha
Board Member
Chief Executive Officer, School Boards’ Co-Operative Inc., Ontario
Stephanie Strong
Board Member
Superintendent of Human Resources, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, Ontario
Steven St. Amand
Board Member
Senior Negotiations Strategist, Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA), Government of Alberta, Alberta
Our Mission
Our purpose is to provide an annual conference for human resource professionals and management representatives working in or for Canadian school boards in the capacity of employer to network and stay updated on leading developments in human resource resources, labour relations, and collective bargaining.
CNEHRP was formed out of the former North American Education Negotiators Association (NAEN). NAEN, established in the 1980s, provided an annual conference in the USA focused on collective bargaining and labour relations for HR professionals and negotiators from Canada and the United States. At its height there were over 150 attendees. However, post COVID, Canadian attendees made up most of the attendees.
CNEHRP currently has board members from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. All board members are experienced professionals from school boards, employer associations, labour law firms, or government specializing in human resources, labour relations, and collective bargaining in K-12 education.